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모바일 메뉴 닫기


정혜욱 프로필 사진
정혜욱 (Hyewook Jeong)   이메일아이콘


2011.9  	UCLA Anderson School of Management, 박사
2004.12	Purdue University, 석사
2003.2 	      숙명여자대학교, 학사

주요 경력

2023.9 -     현재     충남대학교 경영학부, 교수
2018.9 - 2023.8	    충남대학교 경영학부, 부교수
2018.2 - 2019.2	    UCLA Anderson School of Management, 방문교수
2013.9 - 2018.8	    충남대학교 경영학부, 조교수
2011.8 - 2013.8	    UNIST 경영학부, 조교수


인사이트 있는 특별한 고객경험전략(공저)

대표 연구

Davis, Cassandra D., Hyewook G. Jeong* & Aimee Drolet  (2023), "Buying a Chance at Love: The Influence of Attachment-Anxiety on Consumer Preference for Romantic Advertising", Journal of Advertising

Jeong, Hyewook G.*, Kate Christensen & Aimee Drolet (2016), "The Short-Lived Benefits of Variety-Seeking among the Chronically-Indecisive", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied

Jeong, Hyewook G.* & Aimee Drolet (2016), "Variety-Seeking as an Emotional Coping Strategy for Chronically Indecisive Consumers", Marketing Letters

Drolet, Aimee, Loraine Lau-Gesk, Patti Williams, and Hyewook G. Jeong (2010), "Socioemotional Selectivity Theory: Implications for Consumer Research,"The Aging Consumer: Perspectives from Psychology and Economics, Aimee Drolet, Carolyn Yoon, and Norbert Schwarz (eds.), LEA/Psychology Press.

*corresponding author